Why do you need Consulting?

I don't have time for that.
I didn't know I was supposed to do that.

Those words can slow productivity and create stress in any work environment. What to do?

The Answer:
Simple Systems
Proper Protocols

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Amanda has seen firsthand how written protocols can develop a smoother workflow, create accountability in team members, and inspire the team to be more productive.

  • Discover strategies for team accountability.
  • Identify the checks and balances to ensure a proactive workflow.
  • Recoginize the difference between busy and productive.
  • And more....

Hired Someone.
Now What?

Are you hiring new employees and finding that they are not doing what is needed of the job? Did you clearly communicate what is expected of them and when? Way too often, an employee is hired or moved to another position, and they do not have a roadmap of the role. They end up figuring things out as they go. This method will come with a lot of struggles, stress, frustration, along with upsets to workflows, teams, and even patients.

Stop the madness and set your team up for success from the beginning. Amanda has developed a proven system to create efficient transitions for existing team members and properly training the new hires. Upon implementing these new workflows, team members will report less stress and frustration. This ultimately will carryover to happier patients.

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